PVAMU COMP 1336 Fall 2023
Intro to Computer Science I & Lab
About the Class
COMP 1336 is an introductory class designed for students with no formal exposure to computer science or programming. The goal is to provide a gentle but thorough introduction to computer science that will prepare students to either take further computer science courses, or use computer science in their field of study.
See the Syllabus page for more details on course policies.
Course Materials
Week 0 - Introduction to Computer Science
- 8/22
- Tuesday
- HW 0 Introduce Yourself
- HW 0 Join me @ Office Hours
- HW 0 Join a Google TA @ Office Hours
- 8/23
- Wednesday
- 8/24
- Thursday
Week 1 - String, Char, Basic I/O
- 8/29
- Tuesday
- HW 0 due Introduce Yourself
- HW 1 Data Types
- HW 0 due Introduce Yourself
- 8/30
- Wednesday
- Lab 0 due Hello World Program 👋
- [Slides]
- 8/31
- Thursday
- Quiz 0 C++ Program Setup, Output, and Data Types
- Quiz 0 C++ Program Setup, Output, and Data Types
Week 2 - User Input & Arithmetic
- 9/5
- Tuesday
- HW 1 due Data Types
- HW 2 User Input
- HW 1 due Data Types
- 9/6
- Wednesday
- Lab 2 Recruitment
- [Slides]
- Google Event Dinner, Networking & Resumes!
- 9/7
- Thursday
Week 3 - User Input & Arithmetic, and Relational Operators
- 9/11
- Monday
- Google Event STEP Virtual Info Session & Overview
- 9/12
- Tuesday
- HW 2 due User Input
- HW 3 Conditionals
- Google Event Tech Series: Building Apps from Scratch
- HW 2 due User Input
- 9/13
- Wednesday
- Lab 2 due Recruitment
- [Slides]
- Lab 3 Scaling Up
- [Slides]
- 9/14
- Thursday
- Quiz 1 User Input, Arithmetic, and String Manipulation
- Quiz 1 User Input, Arithmetic, and String Manipulation
Week 4 - Conditionals & Logical Operators
- 9/19
- Tuesday
- HW 3 due Conditionals
- HW 4 Rock Paper Scissors
- Google Event Tech Series: Software Engineering
- HW 3 due Conditionals
- 9/20
- Wednesday
- Lab 3 due Scaling Up
- [Slides]
- 9/21
- Thursday
Week 5 - While Loops
- 9/26
- Tuesday
- HW 4 due Rock Paper Scissors
- HW 5 While Loops
- Google Event Tech Series: Ethics
- HW 4 due Rock Paper Scissors
- 9/27
- Wednesday
- Lab 5 Planning Ahead
- Google Event Info Session and Resume Workshop (upperclassmen)
- 9/28
- Thursday
- Quiz 2 Operators & Conditionals
- Google Event ACM Technical Interview Prep
- Quiz 2 Operators & Conditionals
Week 6 - For Loops
- 10/2
- Monday
- Google Event Internship Application Party!
- 10/3
- Tuesday
- HW 5 due While Loops
- HW 6 For Loops
- Google Event Tech Series: Site Reliability Engineering
- HW 5 due While Loops
- 10/4
- Wednesday
- [Slides]
- Lab 5 Planning Ahead
- Google Event Technical Interview Prep
- 10/5
- Thursday
- Lab 5 Codealong Planning Ahead
Week 7 - Midterm Exam
- 10/10
- Tuesday
- Review Session Midterm Review
- HW 6 due For Loops
- Google Event Tech Series: Big Data
- Review Session Midterm Review
- 10/11
- Wednesday
- Lab 5 due Planning Ahead
- Google Event Technical Interview Prep
- Lab 5 due Planning Ahead
- 10/12
- Thursday
- Review Session Midterm Exam
Week 8 - Functions
Week 9 - Wheel of Fortune
- 10/24
- Tuesday
- HW 8 due Functions
- HW 9 Wheel of Fortune
- Google Event Tech Series: Web Development / Accessibility
- 10/25
- Wednesday
- [Slides]
- Lab 6 due Now for Something Completely Different
- Lab 7 Lab 7
- Google Event Technical Interview Prep
- 10/26
- Thursday