Week 0 - Introduction to Computer Science
- 8/22
- Tuesday
- HW 0 Introduce Yourself
- HW 0 Join me @ Office Hours
- HW 0 Join a Google TA @ Office Hours
- 8/23
- Wednesday
- 8/24
- Thursday
Week 1 - String, Char, Basic I/O
- 8/29
- Tuesday
- HW 0 due Introduce Yourself
- HW 1 Data Types
- HW 0 due Introduce Yourself
- 8/30
- Wednesday
- Lab 0 due Hello World Program 👋
- [Slides]
- 8/31
- Thursday
- Quiz 0 C++ Program Setup, Output, and Data Types
- Quiz 0 C++ Program Setup, Output, and Data Types
Week 2 - User Input & Arithmetic
- 9/5
- Tuesday
- HW 1 due Data Types
- HW 2 User Input
- HW 1 due Data Types
- 9/6
- Wednesday
- Lab 2 Recruitment
- [Slides]
- Google Event Dinner, Networking & Resumes!
- 9/7
- Thursday
Week 3 - User Input & Arithmetic, and Relational Operators
- 9/11
- Monday
- Google Event STEP Virtual Info Session & Overview
- 9/12
- Tuesday
- HW 2 due User Input
- HW 3 Conditionals
- Google Event Tech Series: Building Apps from Scratch
- HW 2 due User Input
- 9/13
- Wednesday
- Lab 2 due Recruitment
- [Slides]
- Lab 3 Scaling Up
- [Slides]
- 9/14
- Thursday
- Quiz 1 User Input, Arithmetic, and String Manipulation
- Quiz 1 User Input, Arithmetic, and String Manipulation
Week 4 - Conditionals & Logical Operators
- 9/19
- Tuesday
- HW 3 due Conditionals
- HW 4 Rock Paper Scissors
- Google Event Tech Series: Software Engineering
- HW 3 due Conditionals
- 9/20
- Wednesday
- Lab 3 due Scaling Up
- [Slides]
- 9/21
- Thursday
Week 5 - While Loops
- 9/26
- Tuesday
- HW 4 due Rock Paper Scissors
- HW 5 While Loops
- Google Event Tech Series: Ethics
- HW 4 due Rock Paper Scissors
- 9/27
- Wednesday
- Lab 5 Planning Ahead
- Google Event Info Session and Resume Workshop (upperclassmen)
- 9/28
- Thursday
- Quiz 2 Operators & Conditionals
- Google Event ACM Technical Interview Prep
- Quiz 2 Operators & Conditionals
Week 6 - For Loops
- 10/2
- Monday
- Google Event Internship Application Party!
- 10/3
- Tuesday
- HW 5 due While Loops
- HW 6 For Loops
- Google Event Tech Series: Site Reliability Engineering
- HW 5 due While Loops
- 10/4
- Wednesday
- [Slides]
- Lab 5 Planning Ahead
- Google Event Technical Interview Prep
- 10/5
- Thursday
- Lab 5 Codealong Planning Ahead
Week 7 - Midterm Exam
- 10/10
- Tuesday
- Review Session Midterm Review
- HW 6 due For Loops
- Google Event Tech Series: Big Data
- Review Session Midterm Review
- 10/11
- Wednesday
- Lab 5 due Planning Ahead
- Google Event Technical Interview Prep
- Lab 5 due Planning Ahead
- 10/12
- Thursday
- Review Session Midterm Exam
Week 8 - Functions
Week 9 - Wheel of Fortune
- 10/24
- Tuesday
- HW 8 due Functions
- HW 9 Wheel of Fortune
- Google Event Tech Series: Web Development / Accessibility
- 10/25
- Wednesday
- [Slides]
- Lab 6 due Now for Something Completely Different
- Lab 7 Lab 7
- Google Event Technical Interview Prep
- 10/26
- Thursday